Monday, August 30, 2010

Hooked on Phonics

We officially started Hooked on Phonics today!  I'm super excited about it.  Maddie did really well with it today.  We actually did both A & B today since we spent all last week on the letter B.  Today was her very first day ever using a computer and she did so well!  She played a HoP letter game on my laptop and she handled it really well.  I was really impressed with how well she did on the games themselves, too.  I think she's going to be recognizing her letters soon.  =)

Since we don't have Tot Trays, I did my own version, thanks to some ideas from 1+1+1=1 Tot Trays.  I found some school clearance items at Wal-Mart this weekend and got 6 storage boxes for $5.  This is where I am storing the activities.  When they are finished, I'll add some pics.  Today Maddie used her first activity "Small Spaces" - the spaghetti and Parmesan cheese shaker.  She did great!  Can't wait to put some more together for her.


Fields said...

I'm glad she likes HOP! It made learning letters a breeze for SH.

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